Essence of Purity
I don't avoid women,
but I don't give them my essence-------Gen. Ripper
The Working Men are Pissed
Have you ever actually talked to a communist? I had the chance the other day. It took some time, her being a girl for me to cool it enough to get straight, but finally it turned out to be a decent conversation. She's not really a communist but was born in communist Russia. We chatted about different subjects, mostly the obvious differences between here and there. She said she grew up the all Russian girl, taking English, music and gymnastics while taking care of her sister because her parents were always at work. I actually surprised myself asking intelligent questions like if she's been to Lenin's mausoleum and Red Square. We talked about Russian Literature and classical music. We even talked about American TV. I told her all I know about Russia I learned from Rocky 4. But the main focus I felt was a common appreciation of how lazy the typical American is. Not only lazy in body but lazy in mind. I'm glad I had the chance to conversate and not the prototypical student on this campus. I think that would have been something like"you commie bastard, try to burn this flag." Then ripping off the shirt that had an American flag that said these colors don't run on it. As far as that goes, why is communist really a word that has none of its real meaning anymore. I've only heard my dad call three people commies-1. Baghdad Pete (arnett), 2. Hanoi Jane (Fonda) and 3. John Kerry. To look for the meaning of the word I did a little investigation, which consisted only of watching Dr. Stranglelove and skimming through the communist manifesto by Marx and Engels. Upon completion of research I have no idea how the word commie associates with what it does in my mind. In fact, to me I have no idea now what have these wars were about. Having an idea how to better something is better that no idea at all, right? There was a big uproar during Kerry's bid for the presidency. He took his campaign slogan from one of Langston Hughes poems. (I think it was him). Hughes being a communist upset people, then it was discovered that Kerry received a large campaign donation from the communist party. None of this really made big news though. To me now after putting a face to a word, some of this nonsense is crazy. I put mine and her conversation up there with a former roommate of mine, he's a fifth descendent of crazy horse, and another former roommate who's parents are from Taiwan. Both of these roommates and myself would spend countless hours in thought. Any time I have to learn about another way of life I'm all ears. None of this entry really has a point, but there was a point where she asked me, what is democracy, and I gave a half thought threw answer. I realized I have a lot to learn about the world, but as far as my peer's go, I believe myself to be half cultured and at least tolerant. She was right in every assumption of American (waste) youth. The only thing she was wrong about was what she blamed it on, freedom of choice. She thinks we are over loaded with options and don't know what to do. If you want an earful on freedom of choice email mao and buy a devo cd. If you want the long and skinny of it, here it is: drink RC cola. FREEDOM.
but I don't give them my essence-------Gen. Ripper
The Working Men are Pissed
Have you ever actually talked to a communist? I had the chance the other day. It took some time, her being a girl for me to cool it enough to get straight, but finally it turned out to be a decent conversation. She's not really a communist but was born in communist Russia. We chatted about different subjects, mostly the obvious differences between here and there. She said she grew up the all Russian girl, taking English, music and gymnastics while taking care of her sister because her parents were always at work. I actually surprised myself asking intelligent questions like if she's been to Lenin's mausoleum and Red Square. We talked about Russian Literature and classical music. We even talked about American TV. I told her all I know about Russia I learned from Rocky 4. But the main focus I felt was a common appreciation of how lazy the typical American is. Not only lazy in body but lazy in mind. I'm glad I had the chance to conversate and not the prototypical student on this campus. I think that would have been something like"you commie bastard, try to burn this flag." Then ripping off the shirt that had an American flag that said these colors don't run on it. As far as that goes, why is communist really a word that has none of its real meaning anymore. I've only heard my dad call three people commies-1. Baghdad Pete (arnett), 2. Hanoi Jane (Fonda) and 3. John Kerry. To look for the meaning of the word I did a little investigation, which consisted only of watching Dr. Stranglelove and skimming through the communist manifesto by Marx and Engels. Upon completion of research I have no idea how the word commie associates with what it does in my mind. In fact, to me I have no idea now what have these wars were about. Having an idea how to better something is better that no idea at all, right? There was a big uproar during Kerry's bid for the presidency. He took his campaign slogan from one of Langston Hughes poems. (I think it was him). Hughes being a communist upset people, then it was discovered that Kerry received a large campaign donation from the communist party. None of this really made big news though. To me now after putting a face to a word, some of this nonsense is crazy. I put mine and her conversation up there with a former roommate of mine, he's a fifth descendent of crazy horse, and another former roommate who's parents are from Taiwan. Both of these roommates and myself would spend countless hours in thought. Any time I have to learn about another way of life I'm all ears. None of this entry really has a point, but there was a point where she asked me, what is democracy, and I gave a half thought threw answer. I realized I have a lot to learn about the world, but as far as my peer's go, I believe myself to be half cultured and at least tolerant. She was right in every assumption of American (waste) youth. The only thing she was wrong about was what she blamed it on, freedom of choice. She thinks we are over loaded with options and don't know what to do. If you want an earful on freedom of choice email mao and buy a devo cd. If you want the long and skinny of it, here it is: drink RC cola. FREEDOM.
What is democracy to you...think about it.
P.S.-she had no idea about the florinazation of the water or impure body fluids.I asked.
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