Friday, February 25, 2005

Social Fireflies

That's my god.

Social Fireflies:

Alright, Alright. Stoked. Groovy. These and too many more words like them get tossed around in everyday lingo by everyday dickweeds. If I had a penny for every kid that slows his speech down and tries to act like he's high in class I could afford tuition to a real school. The hemp that's on your hat and shoes doesn't get you high, and just because you burn incense doesn't mean that you have a weed smell to cover up. I'd hate to waste my time and energy in typing and just sound like a Tool song, but its too sad that its so true. You want to know something about t-oz? I can hardly buy a shirt at the mall because I'm afraid that someone else would be wearing it. That's right, a dirty little confession. I've also had my eyebrows waxed once. Not that last thing but the one before, these are some of the lengths that I will run myself through not to be in your club. The same club of zit faced green days that still think its cool to smoke pot. I know its just not me getting old, but there has to be something else man. I can't believe that you can go out to a show or a club and see dude's wearing button up smocks and pretty boy pants talking about toking. If you ever need a reminder of what could be, cruise down broadway a few times. Yeah, that's you on your ten speed boy. I honestly do not know one person who smokes that's a go- getter. They have all fell short of a one time goal, or gave it up to take a weed nap. But weeds not a drug! No shit man. Bang an eightball or something. If your going to go in go all in that's what I would do.or did.or do.or. You know a phase should last about a month or something. I have never enjoyed marijuana or anything of its culture. Lets take one last look----dirty, smelly, lazy, at least the tweekers build stuff. But Flipperoo, if its ever cool to not smoke pot you can call me chong. But seriously, quit saying the word stoked. and groovy.


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