Wednesday, January 26, 2005

She's A Slippery Slope

Hello Pilgrims. Let me take this opportunity to thank a couple of people for letting this happen:

1: Mao: pure pibb, piss and petroleum runs through this cat. If I wouldn't still all of his ideas I would have nothing.

2: The gov't i.e. tax payers of America: I'm broke bi-atch. Your hard earned money affords me sitting in a computer lab with nothing to do for at least one hour a day.

3: Sir Mix-Alot: for pointing out that yes, some girls have ridicoloulsy huge glutes'. Which I can witness as I hither and glare from amongst' the perch of technology, high above animosity, in the lab, sitting next to an exchange student with a scab, surrounded by huge butts, butT nothing to grab. Thank you thank you

Now to the point. A question presented, mainly to readers of female descent, but any response will be taken into consideration.
About one year ago I was attending class. I noticed a fare looking lady sitting ahead of me. As time grew and the alright lookers became the status-quo, as does happen while attending a community college, I found myself fancied by this lady. At first, as we do, I acted like and idiot to try to grab some attention. It worked, as it always do, and we began to talk. Eventually steadily and then continued out of class. We went once to the casino, where I threw around money like "the boss" I am, and another time bowling. Sounds good you say, Troy whats the problem? Here's the problem! I like to drink, frequently. Its no secret in the company I keep that what pains me makes me and that is some straight bourbon whiskey my friends. Here comes the flip----she's in alcoholics anonymous. I love to drink at the casino, its the only way to throw the big bet down. How do you make money if you don't play money. And bowling. How do you bowl without your aiming juice. Well being the fan of love that I am I drank nothing on these outings. She insisted that I could, but I'm a man of time, of manners, so I did not induldge. But here's the deal. Everytime she called and I think wanted to do something, Buck Wylde and myself would be discombobulated. Probably chanting the favorite Buck Wylde line: you better hope you miss me if I'm drinking whiskey. That guy is killer. So everytime I talked to her the place was all noisy or I was an a-hole, like i do and the talking stopped. BUT- I just seen her about a week ago. The conversation was quick, but packed with meaning. I did my thing and she did hers. Not exposing anything but leaving the door open for a move. Here's my question-----Its been a week now though. Should I call her and pick up where I left off, should I not call her because that's weird that I still have the number, should I wait to run into her again and then ask her for the number or should i just forget about it and worry about the other five girls in the stable, and their respective boyfriends or what not. Leave a comment, help a friend out.

IWcc Quote of the day: 1-26-05
So there's one pound in a kilogram?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is way late, but seriously, it's not meant to be. I've discovered this when it comes to food & drink, if you're not on somewhat the same page, screw it! Never again will I date a vegetarian, never again will I date a non-drinker. Stick with this creed & the right boozer will come around.

2:46 PM  

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