Monday, January 31, 2005


Its Nine Forty-Four and I'm ravenous. That's right. Every morning no matter how tired or hung over I may be I always get dressed. Never a day has gone by where I have woke up and decided to throw on some flannel pants or sweat pants and rattle down to school. Its no surprise that these outfits are scorched and tattered. Probably have been on for days. I can't fathom why these people cannot take two seconds of the day to look professional. There's enough dirt in this town!

Looking professional:

Ahh yes, this was my whole point this morning. Being of the tree I fell from, I am one of the few males in my family that did not receive the dicky do award(yet). Years and years of time in the gym, on the bike and on the road have kept me still thus far. And that is just for my head. I am in no way, shape or form a professional. I wish I were, but I don't have a fancy piece of paper that tells me I am so I'll just have to keep on truckin. Why if you had to get up in front of people and act like a superior would you have an inferior body. All that knowledge your trying to feed me and you aren't smart enough to quit feeding yourself MackyD's. You would think a chemistry GENIUS could find out that the chemical reaction between fries and mouth equals huge ass. More times than none these people are teachers, and teachers who should know better. Anyone in some kind of biology class should be fit accordingly. But its not only teachers. Preachers, ministers or johns of the cloth, how can you get your point across when its plain to see your temple is not taken care of. So if you disregard that part of scripture than I might disregard that part about you shouldn't kill or something like that. I'm not sure of the verse. People of any stature or rank, or just anybody that thinks they're better than someone else should heed these words. Don't do like the dicky do award winners do. Keep lean, mean and half-way clean and your stomach will never stick out farther than your dicky do.


Blogger Unknown said...

Flannel pants equals government grants.

8:18 AM  

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